Our Dec 3rd Radio Interview!

We had a great time on The Calling All Bridge Builders radio program, a part of Sankofa Revolutionary Radio 95.1 WSYP-LP, with host Amefika Geuka(dad.) We discussed our business, family and The Kwanzaa Holiday. We also enjoyed call-ins from some very special people. Thank you to everyone who tuned in! In case you missed it, Click here and give our interview a listen. FYI, I made an error on the broadcast. I meant to say our sales goal was to have 2,000 Sankofa Ladies spending $100-$125 annually with us. Not 200! Ugh! Anyway enjoy the interview and check out the other programs on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio.

We will be back for part 2 of our interview on December 17, 2022 @ 2pm. 


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